Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Quick update

Just wanted to write a quick update, now that I feel like I have some time to breathe - I went on vacation for two weeks to Alaska, and I had a blast! I have been promoted to manager at the pool, but now only working 40 hours a week. I have 2 more private lessons to teach (or rather, 2 more days), and then no more lessons! So maybe I won't be so tired.

Alaska was amazing, I went from July 7th to July 21st, and barely slept. I went on a 5 day pack trip, a 3 day trip to my husband's grandparents cabin, and a 3 day trip to Fairbanks where my mom and I competed in a NATRC trail ride. Now I'm back and working at the pool. Maybe later tonight, or on Saturday (my next day off) I can give a more detailed update. Right now I'm going to catch up on Vet on the Edge...